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Green is the color

August 27th - September 21st, 2024

Michel Rein, Paris /1st floor

Installation views

 - Green is the color
 - Green is the color


Michel Rein is pleased to present the group show Green is the color with the artists Maria Therez Alves, Art Keller, Camille Beauplan, Romain Bernini, Sébastien Bonin, Mariana Bunimov, A.K. Burns, Misleidy Castillo Pedroso, Michele Ciacciofera, Jordi Colomer, Abigail DeVille, Thomas Dreyfuss, Edi Dubien, Jimmie Durham, Marine Feuillade, Anne-Charlotte Finel, Didier Fiúza Faustino, Apóstolos Georgíou, Piero Gilardi, Marianna Hatzinikolaou, Christian Hidaka, Fabrice Hyber, Armand Jalut, Yann Lacroix, Fernand Léger, Ariane Loze, Didier Marcel, Lilia Medjeber, Julie Navarro, Stefan Nikolaev, Dan Perjovschi, Frank Perrin, Christiane Pooley, Enrique Ramírez, Mateo Revillo, Claude Rutault, Hugo Ruyant, Mathieu Santori-Lamberti, Edgar Sarin, Anne-Marie Schneider, Franck Scurti, Allan Sekula, Agnès Thurnauer, Wolfgang Tillmans, Pablo Tomek, Luca Vitone, Sophie Whettnall, Scottie Wilson.

"Dominant in man's natural environment since the dawn of time, abandoned over the centuries by artists and considered unlucky by some, the color green has become the fashionable color of the modern age. The disappearance of nature in our urbanized societies, ecological concerns and the desire for sport and hygiene have made green omnipresent in our environment. Political parties, companies, food packaging, city cleaning vehicles, everything is becoming green...
Without concern for hierarchy, genre, generation or medium, the exhibition brings together some fifty works whose only common denominator is that the color green is the dominant one.
For many, green is the color of youth, happiness and hope. Excellent reasons for choosing this color as the theme of our exhibition."

Michel Pastoureau, Vert - Histoire d'une couleur , 2019 (Éditions du Seuil)