Marinella Senatore at the Rebibbia Prison
Rome, Italy
Jan. 24 - Feb. 21, 2025
The sculpture Io Contengo Moltitudini at the Rebibbia Prison was unveiled by Pope Francis on 26 December.
The Vatican commissioned a sculptural light installation on the outskirts of Rome made by the Marinella Senatore in collaboration with prisoners at Rebibbia prison as part of the 2025 Holy Year Jubilee celebrations. Senatore's Io Contengo Moltitudini (I Contain Multitudes) has been installed in the square in front of the Rebibbia prison church where it will remain on view until 21 February (curated by Cristiana Perrella).
Senatore's piece is “a firework-like structure with luminous phrases in various languages and dialects, chosen by the male and female inmates during workshops led by the artist”. Structurally, the work evokes the machines used for firework displays during Roman Baroque festivities, says the artist.
Senatore has also designed this year's official Christmas card for the Holy See's Dicastery for Culture and Education.
Images: Photos, Pope Francis in conversation with the artist Marinella Senatore, Cardinale José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefetto del Dicastero per la Cultura e l'Educazione, and thre curator Cristiana Perrella. Marinella Senatore, Io contengo moltitudini (2024); Courtesy of the Artist and Mazzoleni London - Torino, Photo by Mazen Jannoun